Saturday, December 25, 2010

Nancy Ajram- "Sheikh al Shabab"

My family and I saw Nancy live in Las Vegas once. She's adorable. So is the stud in the video.

Trevor Kelley

Ran into an old high school friend in Amarillo, who is now Seattle-based artist Trevor Kelley. He introduced me to his work, which he profoundly describes here. I played around and hunted some design photos to pair with a few of his works.

Check out more of Trevor's paintings and scultpures here.

MR Architecture + Decor
House of Orange

Friday, December 24, 2010

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Chickpeas with Tomato-Curry Sauce, SUPER Simple

Another product of my mother's simple magic. She jokingly labeled it "Indo-Syrian."

Chickpeas, tomato sauce, garlic, red curry powder, green chili pepper, onion, salt, pepper, (non-vegetarian option: good with diced chicken breast). Served with white basmati rice.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Haboob (Traditional Peeled Wheat Dessert)

One of the most popular desserts in the Levantine, especially in Syria. So simple it only consists of peeled wheat, milk, corn starch, rosewater, cinnamon, and topped with any nuts of preference (I used chopped almonds). Good for both breakfast and dessert.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Julia Ziegler-Haynes

October 1, 2002
One pot of coffee.

It's always interesting how artists can ingeniously capture compelling questions of reality that the rest of us do not often consider. For instance, if you were forced to die and were granted to ask for anything as a last meal, what would it be?

Inspired by the 70's, cheap treats, and cafeteria-quality food, Brooklyn-based photographer and chef Julia Zielger-Haynes actually re-created the meals requested by Death Row prisoners and came up with an album of haunting photos like the one displayed above. The best part I noticed was how these vibrantly colorful depictions completely contrast with the tone of her work's subject. Click the Refinery29 link below to learn more info and to view other photographs.

Julia Ziegler-Haynes

Friday, December 3, 2010

Keeping the Food Posts Coming- Garden Linguine with White Clam Sauce and Parmesan

Another one I made up:

Linguine, asparagus, red onion, yellow zucchini, sliced white mushrooms, sun-dried tomatoes, diced tomatoes, white beans, pine nuts, olive oil, lemon juice, minced garlic, fresh basil, basil paste, wild mushroom pesto sauce, white clam sauce, chardonnay, red chili pepper flakes, shredded parmesan, salt, pepper

... My pot's already getting empty.